Saturday, November 24, 2012 - Is it a Scam? | Not Recommended

Site General History & Info
Owner/Alias: Ryan Pennington of USA
  PayPal  Payza     is a site that pays users to share and shorten links. The site appears to be paying but with delays and may be selectively paying. Site for the time being will be added to the Not Recommended List for the combined reasons:

1. Forum Down or Removed - For about a week or so the site appears to be down. You click on the forum link and it shows this message:

It is not unusual to see, but for many days? You have to wonder what is going on. So I did some checking and I found some of the forum links still working and you will find some recent complaints being posted, which brings me to my next reason....

2. Complaints & Negative Feedback - Every site has them but when you factor in that the forum was taken down and the site is showing many complaints elsewhere, then that is not a good. You can find these complaints at these sources:,257198.0.html

3. Poor Support - Complaints about poor support and the site removing facebook comments. I noticed from the old forum postings there is very little activity coming form the admin. Their twitter and facebook is the same. Admin is no longer active.

Summary most like is paying selectively. I am sure some of these complaints are from bot users and cheaters but at the same time I can recommend such a site where the admin leaves  and takes down the forum and no longer active on facebook or his twitter. These are bad signs that we can't ignore. Site will remain on the Not Recommended List till things improve.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // Saturday, November 24, 2012

2 التعليقات:

  1. Hello,
    Just a simple writing

  2. Great post! You should write a review of ExoBucks. Our system analyzes each visitor you send, detects which URL shortener will pay the most for that visitor and then sends them to it.

    Plus, we have a great referral program that let's you earn from 50+ URL shorteners.


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